Pellentesque odio aliquam vitae amet, elementum at urna facilisis purus, integer nam libero pharetra viverra et dolor tellus, eget commodo tellus tempus vitae.
The WindCycle concept
WindCycle’s wind turbines use a vertical-axis wind turbine connected electricity poles. As the energy of the wind causes the turbine to rotate a generator connected to the rotor convert that energy into usable electricity.
WindCycle turbines can be sited in areas that are currently out of reach for traditional wind turbines (that requires large areas of land or sea to be deployed. This means that WindCycle turbines can be sited wherever winds are generated in the city by moving vehicles or particular building structure that produce increase in natural wind speed.
Research and scientific reports also show that vertical-axis wind turbines have a high structural limit and can be built larger than horizontal-axis wind turbines.

WindCycle benefits
Less load on the bearings
Easy maintenance
Lower overall cost
Easily accessed which reduces service costs.
The company’s unique system ensures lower manufacturing costs, lower life-cycle costs (i.e. reduced need for service and maintenance) and thus a lower overall cost.
WindCycle can produce renewable wind energy at a much lower cost than its competitors.
Topics I Discuss
Lower costs
Vertical turbines always point in the right direction
Compact wind farms
Social Impact
Due to specific blades rotation on the vertical axis there is:
• Lower noise pollution
- Less bird fatalities
- Easily adaptable to urban environments
Main Services
One-on-one / CEO Coaching
Business Coaching
Management Coaching
Workshops & Seminars
Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.
We Craft Elegent Solutions with Powerful Technology
The proposed technology is characterized by a very high efficiency. The product efficiency has been calculated with computational fluid dynamics software, recreating real behaviour of air around a rotating geometry thanks to applying Navier-Stokes equations together with a proper turbulence model (in this case k-omega SST).
Durable and efficient.
Loading amplitudes are greatly limited is the most important component increasing product lifetime. Our properly divided turbine can work indefinitely.